Friday, September 3, 2010

Texture pendant almost complete

Last week we finished by annealing the metal to soften it and get it ready for the next round of hammering. This week I did one round of hammering to round out the shape a bit more and then here I start using the back of my riveting hammer that I have ground to a long sharp edge to give me the long hammer texture that I am looking for.

I am going to have to hit the pendant several hundred times to get the texture even. Sounds like fun to me! I slowly turn the pendant as I hit to give the hammering a radiating pattern.
For added interest I am adding some longer sawed lines to stand in contrast to the shorter deeper lines created by the hammer. Sawing is also way more accurate so I can fill in any spots that the hammer missed.
I do a light emery clean up to remove any burrs or spitches left from the hammering and to get the metal ready for polishing
Three levels of polishing compound and the metal starts to look nice and sparkly!
I love texture!!! It's like candy for the eyes. It makes you want to pick the piece up and investigate it. As a maker I am always looking for things that will engage my potential clients. Once we add the diamonds we will have texture and sparkle... a deadly combination. Next week I might advise you to look away, or feel a gravitational pull like compulsion to buy this piece...
O.k. Kidding aside. We are almost finished. Next week I will solder on the little loops that will act as the bail and hold the chain. I will also set the diamonds and do the final polish. Then it's the big reveal!

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